Five tips for making your work environment logical

If we aren't logical with our actions, we lose people. Here are some tips for making your work space make sense to all stakeholders.

  1. Create an agenda: If we fail to plan, we plan to fail. What are the three to five most important things you need to cover in your next discussion/meeting/training. Build your agenda around those things and only those things. Involve others in the planning process. You should not do this alone.

  2. Share the agenda: You should not be the only person who knows the agenda. This should be a team effort and everyone involved should know what to expect. It is okay if the execution isn’t perfect, but it cannot work at all if it is a secret.

  3. Stick to the agenda: Duh…but SO important. If it isn’t on the agenda, it isn’t to be done right now.

  4. Clear is kind: Be incredibly clear with your expectations of your employees. You can’t say, I need this report on my desk ASAP…instead you have to be specific. I need this report on my desk by 2:00 today if at all possible because we have a meeting with the client at 3:00 and I want to review it ahead of time. Thank you.

  5. Be concise: Too much information is just simply too much. You can only eat an elephant one bite at a time. 


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